Why we are NOT social

…but ever so social. We all have principles. This plays a key role in most decisions we make. However, why we choose not to be present on any social media platform is for a different reason. We believe that in the vast and growing worldwide digital jungle, face-to-face communication is losing emphasis. How can we […]

What’s hot and trendy?

Maybe it’s because it’s within our domain of work or because similar personalities attract similar personalities, but it seems that today, there are a LOT of web developers out there. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in web development is projected to grow 13 percent until 2028. That’s quite a fast increase. […]

Welcome to the Cloud Connection

Imagine you are invited to a party where you don’t know a soul. The rooms are painted a weird color, the languages spoken sound foreign and faces look like nothing you are used to. Then, someone opens a door and invites you into a room full of smiling faces and innovative ideas. That’s us! Welcome […]